enough bout the xmas

7:55 am, and i only got 3 hours of 'not-so-good-sleep' after banging myself till the wee hours of the mrnin, and yet, im still in the satge of hyperactivity, i ll let the day pass and spent the xmas eve sleeping the whole day. what is about the xmas that people claims to be the happiest day o fthe year? i find it superficial to place and serve round fruits that signifies the next years promise of prosperity(enough about the fruit bureacracy, we only serve fruits during the hlidays and damn, some of them are made of plastics)when people living in the makeshift homes are busy thinking about thier meals for the next day. or how about the gift giving schemes, which, for me, only appeals to those materialistic appetites whitin us. did we stop for a while and think about the whereabouts oif the trees cut down and wrapped in our uber expensive gifts?

sure we do have recycled paper but i doubt in this society we have, where culture of austerity is not popular, using a recycled shit is way too tacky, or jologs. or how about battling our way in 'mallsthat-never-close' which serves people's fancy of shopping( did i just mention that we have some individual's disorder of being addictive in these stuffs?). one time, the brave, and 'would-be-good-leader' bayani proposes a staggered schedule for malls to open at 12 noon, whic, unfortunately made him more unpopular amongst mall owners. can we just add up the fact that if mall starts by noon, thier employess will not have the hardest time to compete for rides and how much electricity we can save out from schedule staggering?

i would definitely want a simple xmas. were not really that magarbo and bonga type of celebrants especially during xmas, my family will always prefer new years celebration to be more festive than xmas, but hey, are we really in the mode of financial crisis/ or can we really conclude taht flips still have the power to purchase? how can we explain then the deepining gap between the poors and elite?

one thing for sure, few numbers of people enjoys the reaps of production and labors,and more masonry and menial workers are left with few to spare. what i want for xmas, is equal oppurtunity for everyone. not only during holidays, but in the whole yaer round....

merry xmas everyone!!


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