my first entry

its just another blog in the making. thanks goodness for someone who didn't personally introduces me to this site, but was just invited to see her blogs. damn, its a nice written one, not to mention how she injects the humors in her space. i enjoyed it and i grew envy because i realized how many topics one can come up to and im still puzzled why the hell i cant think of a nice one.

its 5:30 am, friday morning, its damp outside, the same feeling ive been lurking for the past season. everytime rainy season kicks off, a feeling of solitude and blueness starts to wrap my whole existence. i dunno, you might even find it unusual for a person to treat rainy days as a nice sign but i cant help the the sight of falling rains and the cold dampness that soothes my weary soul. i dont want to sound mellow-dramatic here(probably im overdoing it) but i came out from a sordid experience that help me realize the importance of rains. it somehow resembles the pain and agony of a person trying to burst it out, in his mighty effort.thats about it.

this blog will likewise help me to release my unresolved issues that keep bugging me. and one thing more, this is sort of writing someone a "hate you letter" but never actually sending it to that person. thats my way of rambling when im socially distraught. but nevertheless, this one will help me further flourish my writing skills and develop teh real me, allowing me to express sentiments that i cant express outside.


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